Renewal Kick-Off Workshop of the DFG Priority Programme 1593

Full title: Renewal Kick-Off Workshop of the DFG Priority Programme 1593
Status: done
Location: InterCityHotelHannover
Date: 14.01.2016 - 15.01.2016

This workshop is for researchers in SPP1593 only.The main objectives are to introducethe continuingresearch roadmapand to integratenew approaches into the evolved community. In addition to discussionsand breakout sessions, inparticular,theworking schedulesof eachproject are presented briefly. New or restructured projects will introducefurther backgrounds and ideas of their work on top.

Programme Overview:

  • Project talks
  • Breakout sessions
  • Discussionson common researchactivities in the next three years


Programme Committee: SPP1593 Coordination Board