10th Workshop of the DFG Priority Programme 1593

Full title: Final Workshop of the DFG Priority Programme 1593
Status: scheduled
Location: KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany
Date: 04.10.2018 - 05.10.2018

The 10th workshop of the DFG priority programme 1593 is the final event of both funding periods. Within this context, elaborated results of scientific projects and their evaluation along two common case studies are presented with talks and posters. The workshop aims to facilitate discussions on industrial applicability of the research in SPP1593. In particular, we call attention to challenges posed by the ageing of software and to feasible countermeasures in development and maintenance in today's productive software and software/hardware systems. The results of the six years of funded research within SPP1593 is presented, and the long-term vision to tackle software evolution in industry is discussed.

Programme Overview:

  • Scientific and Industrial Keynotes
  • Project Talks (Talk Abstracts)
  • Poster Session
  • Case study Demonstrations

Details on the locations and a list of recommended hotels are available here.


Programme Committee: SPP1593 Coordination Board